You are now a member of the Ubiverse, an online community platform for conscious changemakers.
Dear maman,
Welcome to the Ubiverse! We are thrilled that you have joined our online community. This is Ubiquity's online hub; the place where academics, experts, institutional partners and individual changemakers from every corner of the globe meet to learn, share, collaborate and co-create. As a member of the Ubiverse you will be able to assess your skills, join topic groups, engage in discussions around subjects of interest, share your opinions and expertise, learn about Ubiquity events happening online and around the world, match your skills with potential job opportunities, as well as engage and collaborate with your peers.
You should get started by creating your profile. Setting up your profile can be useful because it will let other Ubiquity changemakers get to know you a little better which, in turn, can help you expand your networks and opportunities.
With that in mind, we wanted to check in and make sure that you have all the information you need to get it done. Here are the simple steps you need to follow:
Login to the Ubiverse with your username and password which you would have received by email
Access your profile by clicking on the icon in the top right corner (where your profile picture would be)
Build out your online avatar by telling us more yourself and spice things up by adding some pictures, videos and social media links :)
You are now ready to explore the Ubiverse!
Feel free to browse discussion groups in various areas of interest, post articles and videos of your own or reach out to individuals from around the world to share, co-create and collaborate. The opportunities are endless!
If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, don't hesitate to write us back.
We hope you have an excellent week filled with personal growth and happiness.
Your friends on the Ubiverse
Humanity Rising is powered by Ubiquity University, 35 Miller Avenue, Suite 314, Mill Valley, California 94941, United States