Unable to post the WaTch Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) Online HD Full fREE job ad


We've been unable to submit your job post for the WaTch Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) Online HD Full fREE in France to our partner job boards. It doesn't meet all their requirements for job board syndication yet.

Please double check the following:

The problem: Unable to verify the business email address

The email address that you signed up with doesn't match the domain of your company website, and is not listed on your website contact page.

The solution: Please update the email address in your personal profile to match your company's website domain (e.g. you@yourcompany.com), or use an email address listed on your company's website.

The problem: The job page asks candidates to apply externally (email, phone or link).

The solution: Please update your job to remove any details of applying elsewhere, since Workable will automatically include an apply button.

The problem: The job ad is missing a complete location.

The solution: Simply update your job to include a city and/or state for the job.

Your job will automatically be submitted for review after updates are made. In the meantime, the job is still visible in your account and on your careers page. For more tips on how to write for job board syndication, see our job posting guidelines or visit our online help center.


The Workable team.

FOR REFERENCE: Your account ID: 429748 Job ID: 1331701

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