Welcome to Foursquare City Guide

Foursquare City Guide

Welcome to Foursquare City Guide, ssfzf!

We're here to help you discover the best spots in your neighborhood, city, and around the world. Based off of what you tell us you like, we lead you to places we think you'll love. Let's get started!

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Search for and discover great places nearby

Whether you are traveling in a new city or in your own backyard, we'll help you find the best restaurants, coffee, nightlife, shops, or whatever you are in the mood for.

Plan trips, save your favorites, start a bucket list

Lists are the easiest way to create a to-do list that's easily accessible on the go. Aggregate all your travel recs, remember everywhere you've been dying to go and share with friends.

Keep track of places you've been

Never forget that awesome place you went; quickly reference your history tab. Be sure to rate the places you go, so we can give you better recommendations in the future.

Read tips from local experts

Scour millions of insider tips so you never miss out on the best thing to order or experience. Pay it forward by leaving your own!
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